
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sponge Rollers are A Girls Best Friend

Um Yeah, I was going to write a big long summary to go along with this post.

I just don't think words are needed.
Sophia's Face(s) The pictures say it all.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wishing You A Merry Christmas

My favorite time of the Year.

The most beautiful of stories.
A baby born to a virgin.
A boy grown to a man.
A man dying for my sins.
A Savior for all mankind.

All because we were lost.
I am thankful that He has found me.
Little old me.
He loves me.
All my flaws.
All my temperaments.
All my mistakes.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.... And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
     Prince of Peace.”      

Wishing You a season of joy, hope & peace as we celebrate our Savior being born to this world.

Love The Stellys

Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

End of 1st Grade Football

I haven't made any of Bubb's football this year. I've been working every Saturday for the last few months & I just haven't been able to get to the field before I have appointments at the Studio.
This morning I finally got to go to his last little practice.
Chris was in NYC for business so I had taken off work to be with the kids.
They have just been practicing this year. I guess since it's 1st grade. Techniques & all....
It was the cutest thing to see all of those little bodies running drills so seriously!
After the drills were over, the coach gave them all a trinket dog-tag as a memento for the season's hard work.
That boy of ours was so cute! He couldn't wait to get his.
This is all of the boys on the "team"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trip to Sunny Farms

This morning, Mrs. Kay & I teamed up to take our girls & niece, Mary Elizabeth, on a Play & Pray outing to Sunny Farms here in town. It’s a small farm with horses to ride & animals to feed, a big tractor for hayrides & a fun nature walk.
The kids all got to ride a sweet red named, Sunny. Ahem, I think the farm was named after him since he was probably as old as me.
Anyhoo, Izzy & Mary E. rode Sunny the sweet gentle old nag horse.

Sophie was only riding the non-living horsy on the farm.
Oh, and she would also “pet them, Momma. Not ride them.”
I think this was Sophie’s favorite.
After the kids got to ride the horse, they also loved on the other animals on the farm.
Each child got their own feeding bowl & the goats were herded along the  bench to eat feed out of the kids’ laps.
While the last of the kids were still feeding the goats, a man brought out this extremely obese ginormous rabbit. I swear that thing weighed more than Izzy.
We went on a hayride down to a trail where the kids did a nature walk & saw different trees, a fox hole & a deer brush.
The day was so much fun. My little hens were so excited to get out of the fresh air and into their second home at the mall food court where MeMe got them two rides on the carousel!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Overheard during Puzzle Time

We ♥ puzzle time at our house.
Lately I’ve been letting the girls get out their puzzles & play amongst themselves.
Secretly I sit behind the couch just listening to their little conversations. (Don’t you be judging me!! I get my giggles any way I can!!)
They can be quite entertaining if you catch those little boogers on a good day:
Izzy: Sophayy, I don’t wanna do da boy puzzle!!
Sophie: Izzy, it’s mine turns to do da printhess puthle!!!
Izzy: Sophayyy! You need to share or Jesus is gonna spank you!
Sophie: Izzy!! Not if you don’t tell on me!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Insanity - Day 38

Max Cardio Conditioning.


Poor Chris. He did his work out yesterday after work. So that means he only had around 11 hours between two work outs.

Poor Guy.....

I know how sore I was from a 20 hour break in between.

Rickety. I was rickety. {I don't care if it isn't a word}

This was a fully 47 minute work out that gave no breaks for water or rest in between sets. You just guiltily stopped during the work out to run to throw up, catch your breath, fart, take a water break. It says it on the screen, "rest when needed." So I rested.

Actually, I rested a lot during this work out.  I just wasn't able to keep up. Chris did much better than me. Even after working out just 11 hours ago.

Tomorrow is Max Recovery or something of that sort. I'll update tomorrow.

God Save the Queen. And my quads.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Insanity - Day 36 & 37 MONTH #2

Phewwww, I'm rickety today.....

I am just going to spare the embarrassment that was yesterday & skip right on to today.

Well, today wasn't much better.

Okay, so yesterday was the 1st day into Month #2.

Lawwwddd!!! We had the fit test ANNNNDDD the work out.

Thank God Chris was home for Labor day.  We were able to break up the two during the day.

Here's my Fit Test for yesterday:
MOVE: Fit         Test 1       Fit Test 2       Fit Test 3
Switch Kicks          45            104               97
Power Jacks            30              45              47
Power Knees           60             87              102
Power Jumps          10              19               25
Globe Jumps            2               8                7
Suicide Jumps          5               7                10
Push-Up Jacks         8              12               12
Low Plank Oblique 27             30               38

Over all, I did better. But we were both worn out!! It took us a few hours to recoup & then we did the full work out at nap time.
Today was Max interval Plyo
Um, yeah. I'm still rickety (Yeah, its a WORD!)
PLYO in every sense of the word. It was 55 minutes of jump, control training.
The work out was really hard. But I was determined to do at least a rep of each work out.
I feel great.
Great, but sore.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Insanity - Recovery Week

This week has been a "recovery" week for us.

It's all the same work out every day so there's not much to report.

The work out is called Core Cardio & Balance.

It was a great work out to help us rest our bodies but keep the momentum going.

I'm kind of concerned though, that I'm not keeping up enough to be ready for the next phase of the work out. But I think they know what they're doing.

We'll see, right?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Insanity - Days 22, 23 & 24

Chris & I have both hit a wall.

I don't like speaking for him but he said it this morning in our work out.

I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one.

Bad for him, Good for me. At least we're in it together, right Babe?

Again, I'm condensing the past few days because it's been a tough week.

We've got another sick kid. I think Izzy has that same virus that Sophie had last week.

Perfectly fine during the day. Active toddler, playing, eating, sleeping great.

High fever through the nigh. {....SIGH}

Just like Sophie last week.

Twins are great - except when they're not sick at the same time.

Sequential sickness is H.E.L.L.

Right now they're watching The Sound of Music.

Hopefully it'll entertain them for a bit while I have a minute to myself.

Here's the past few days. Uneventful, but here they are:

Day #22: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
**********We didn't get up this morning b/c we were both up with Izzy most of the night. 103 degrees freaks me out. I think I stared at her all night. Just making sure that tiny chest moves up and down is more of a comfort than a complete night of rest. Anyhoo, I did my work out while the girls were napping & Chris did his after supper & bedtime.

Day #23: Cardio Power & Resistance
**********Again, I worked out during nap time & Chris worked out after supper. **My shins & calves have been really giving me trouble. I make it through the warm up & the stretch. By the time the whole work out is over, I'm in some major pain. I'm not sure what to do. I think I'll do some research online. I'm not quitting, though. DIG DEEP!!

Day #24: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
*********WE DID IT!! We woke up together & worked out at 5:30 this morning!! This work out was tough, tough, for me - my shins were hurting so much! Once the warm up & stretch are over, there's a bunch of jump/plyometric training sets, squat jacks, ski jumps, tree climbers, etc.... I was so ready to quit. READY.TO.QUIT. Thank goodness for my work out Buddy! He had such encouraging words. I pushed through but when it was over I fell on the floor like a sobbing two year old. Poor Chris. He just stood there like, seriously? I had my cry, stood up & drank my coffee. It made me feel better but I'm still hobbling around like I just had 2 knee replacements.

{{Two things that are random in the blog post today: "plyometric" and "cardio" are highlighted in spellcheck. Weird.}}

Friday, August 19, 2011

Insanity - Days 17, 18 & 19

It was bound to happen.

We got out of rhythm & now can't wake up at 5 a.m. unless the house was on fire.

So for the past few days I've been doing the work out at the Sisters' nap time.

Chris is doing his work out after supper.

GOOD NEWS: we haven't skipped a day & are very much still on track.
BAD NEWS: I miss my morning work out Buddy.

So here's the condensed version of the past three days:

Day #17: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Day #18: Cardio Recovery
**********I'm not fond of this work out but it helped in the place of a rest day because my shins have been taking a beating these past few days. THEY HURT.....

Day #19: Cadio Power & Resistance
**********Today was the 1st day in three weeks that I've only done 1/2 the work out {GASP!}
I started later this afternoon than I thought & ran out of time to wake up the girls & get Bubb off the bus......excuses, excuses....I know...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We are Baby Ballerinas

The Girls started dancing today.
Ballet & tap girls.
We enrolled them with Miss Machita & co.
We love her so much.
She loves the girls & teaches them so much more than just dance.
...Poise, composure, modesty, self confidence, inner beauty...
We love her so much.
We got the girls their tap & ballet shoes on Monday & they’ve already put scuffs on our wood floors.
I think we’ve already created two monsters.
It was all they could do to make it through nap time. I could hear them giggling in the monitor most of the hour.
When I went in to wake them up to dress them & get them ready, they could hardly keep still.
Wiggly & giggly.
Sophie had to break out into some type of improvisational dance, she was so excited.
Seriously, I can't make that kind of stuff up.
It was all I could do to keep them still to take pictures in their leotards & tights before we had to get to the bus stop to pick up Bubb.
They did so well with Miss Machita.
We love her so much.
They walk through the house singing,
“with our tutu’s & our new shoes, we are baby ballllerrrrriiiiiiinaaaaas.”
Oh, what a sound.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Insanity - Day 16

Day #: 16
Awake Time: 5:25 a.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Circuit
Accomplished: Y
Feeling: This morning was really hard for me. I don't know what was the deal but I wanted to quit before the warm up was over. I am glad I pushed through because when we went into the stretch in the middle of the work out, I was able to stretch out the problems & make it through the whole 41 minutes.

I still hate Push-Up Jacks. I'm just sayin'.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Insanity - Day 15 {Back on Track}


We're back on track!!

It was causing me momentary anxiety not doing the proper workouts on the proper days.

I'm OCD like that.

This morning was Fit Test 2.

I've been curious to see how far I've come in these INSANELY wild 2 weeks.

Well, wait no more:

MOVE:                              Fit Test 1          Fit Test 2
Switch Kicks                        45                     104  Can I get a WHATWHAT!!! ?
Power Jacks                         30                       45
Power Knees                        60                      87
Power Jumps                        10                      19*
Globe Jumps                         2                        8
Suicide Jumps                       5                        7**
Push-Up Jacks                      8                        12*********
Low Plank Oblique              27                       30

I have to say, I am pretty proud of myself. There were moves that I wondered if they were working or not & today's test proved that they were. Also, the numbers show me the areas that I need to improve on. I'm PUMPED!!

*Power Jumps. After two C-Sections, the 2nd one being for twins, my abs are shot. So for me to do 19 Power Jumps in the 2nd week is an EPIC accomplishment for me. SO LONG POOCH!

**Suicide Jumps are from Hell & Damnation itself. Enough Said.

***********Push-Up Jacks are the siblings of Suicide Jumps....But I did 4 more this time!! Whoop Whoop!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Insanity - Day ??? {I'm so confused}

This has been one.rough.week.

Not complaining.

Just explaining.

I'm really not sure what day we're on.

Blindly trusting in my workout Buddy:-)

I know that today we did Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs.


Seriously? I woke up to do that?!?!

I just had to keep saying, "it's almost over, its' almost over..." over & over & over again.

We almost finished the abs.

Sophie woke up crying about her legs hurting.
{Lord, please tell me we're at the end of this sickness...}

I feel better than yesterday.

So that counts for something right?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Insanity - Day 11

Day #: 11
Awake Time: 7:00 a.m. Work Out Time: 1:30 p.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Resistance Power & Resistance
Accomplished: Y
Feeling: I FEEL AWESOME!! Such a good work out!! I did boy style push-ups!!  However,  I did it by myself.
Explanation: We didn't wake up early AGAIN! I didn't sleep well again last night because I was really keyed up from last night's work out. So I worked out during the Girls' nap time. I missed my buddy really bad!! I'll be glad to get up with him tomorrow morning!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Insanity - Day 10

We're sticking with Chris' method of counting the days in the workout.

I'm think we're justa blowin' in the wind.

This week has been cray-zee!!

Between Sophie being sick, school starting & practically no sleep, it's been brutal sticking with a workout plan.

But, sticking with it, we are! Dig Deep!!

Last night was another rough one with Sophie's virus & so we couldn't pull ourselves out of bed.

Tonight we worked out at 8:00.

I didn't want to do it.

Repeat: I didn't want to do it.

I behaved mighty bratty, as a matter of fact.

Chris stuck with encouraging me (gently I might add) so I caved.

I'm glad I did.

I made every excuse you can think of:
I'll never sleep tonight, I'll be so keyed up!
We'll wake the kids up!
I just ate supper!
I don't want to (she says whiny...)

Day #: 10
Awake Time: 7:00 a.m. - work out time: 8:00 p.m.
Workout Today:  Pure Cardio
Accomplished: Y
Feeling: I feel great!! I'm really keyed up so I know it'll be a while before I can go to sleep. But I'll go to sleep glad that I did the work out!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade

Lord Have Mercy!!

{Translation: LAAAWWDD Have Mercaaayyyy!!}

We made it through another summer.

It sure was a busy one:
Blue Bayou
Audubon Zoo
Swimming Lessons
Swimming at MeMe's & Poppies
Riding the Golf Cart at Nonny & Paw's
Splash Park
Play Dates
Sleep Overs

It's all over.

At least for one...more...year...

Now it's on to:
Bus Stops
Math, Science & Religion

I've got a big boy on my hands.
 They've got a big brother to deal with.
 Not a Baby any more.
 A 1st Grader in our midst, folks! Watch out!!

Insanity - Day 9 or 10 {??}

Technically today should be Day 10 in our Insanity workout. But we took our rest day yesterday due to sick twins.....

I like keeping the number sequence going.

Chris does not.

Hence the confusion.

In the scope of the problems we've encountered this week, it's not anything I'm splitting hairs over.

Nevertheless, we got up & worked out:

Day #: 9 or 10
Awake Time: 5:30 a.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Circuit
Accomplished: Y
Feeling: HELLO WALL!! I've been wondering when I'd hit you!! I thought it would have been sooner. I had a feeling you were around the corner since I'd gotten minus 3 hours of sleep in the past few days. But guess what?!!?!?! We pushed you down sucker!! And it felt good!!

No quotes of the workout. We were surviving this morning:-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Insanity - Day 9

Today was supposed to be Day 9 - Pure Cardio.

Sophie was sick through the night.

Actually we were up with her at least twice per hour until I had the presence of mind to give her a breathing treatment. I don't think clearly on zero sleep....

That was at 3:30 this morning. Then we got to sleep until 6:30 & the coughing started again.


Needless to say, today ended up being our "rest" day.

Back at it tomorrow.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Insanity - Day 8

Day #:8
Awake Time: 6:00 a.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Power & Resistance
Accomplished: Y - We finished all but the last 12 minutes of the work out.
Explanation: Our kids spent the night out at Chris' parents' house because I worked today. However, Mrs. Kay called us at 6:30 to say that both girls were sick & so we shut down everything & got the girls to the Pediatrician.
On to see how tomorrow goes....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Insanity - Day 7

Day #:7
Awake Time: 5:50 a.m.
Workout Today: Pure Cardio
Accomplished: Y
Feeling: That workout kicked my b.u.t.t. It was even harder because Chris was snoozing away on his day of rest:-) Man, I wanted to sleep in like a big dog. But I drug my arse out of the bed & shook off the cob webs. I am glad I did. I feel accomplished. I feel energized & ready to start the day.

There were no quotes of the workout because I was too busy trying not to cry & there was no one to hear me whine anyway. Why waste those breaths? ha!!

Things I hate, loathe & abominate: suicide drills. mummy kicks. seriously? mummy kicks?

**Please tell me it's better next week......**


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Insanity - Day 6

Day #:6
Awake Time: N/A - we had a Play & Pray Pancake Breakfast party for all the kids in our group going back to school. So we did our workout just now during the Sister's nap time.
Workout Today: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Accomplished: Y
Feeling:  Man!! That day of rest makes me sluggish. I had to huff & puff through a lot!! It also didn't help that I had pancakes & syrup at the church hall & a hand full of McD's fries:-( The temptation will never go away....

I also think that it's better for us to start the day with our workout. I like getting going early & starting the day off right. It helps me make better food choices, gets my metabolism started & I've got energy for the day....Works for us.

Quotes of the workout:
"no more F*%#ing McDonald's!!"
"C'mon Babe, You can do it!!"
"Dig Deep, Babe!!"
"Screw You, Babe!!" (Nice, right?;-)

On to do tomorrow's workout by myself tomorrow.....My Buddy will be sleeping in on his day of rest....humph.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Insanity - Day 5

Today is Friday.
Usually Chris & I snooze until get up around 5:30 to do our workout.

However, I had to work today. Actually I had to be at work at 5:30.

So, Chris got up & did the workout alone. The workout was Pure Cardio. He said it was brutal!

By the time I got home I had been on my feet over 8 hours.

Soooo, today was my rest day. Usually rest day is Sunday. I'll make up today's workout then.

Back at it tomorrow.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Insanity - Day 4

Day #:4
Awake Time: 5:25 a.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Recovery
Accomplished: Y
Feeling:  Not too bad. Wasn't too compact intense. A lot of resistance & contraction of the muscles. Sometimes that's harder than high impact cardio.

Quotes of the workout:
"Ooh, we get to sit on the floor"
"What? knees off the floor?!!"
"Oh yeah! This is great on the floor (NOT!)"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Insanity - Day 3

Day #:3
Awake Time: 5:35 a.m.
Workout Today: Cardio Power & Resistance
Accomplished: Y
The workout was "Cardio Power & Resistance" - boy did my body resist.
I think I'm going to have to say a curse word every time he says, "Dig Deeper"
Seriously? Don't you think I didn't dig deeper by getting up at 5:30 to do this friggin work out?
Today was a bit better than yesterday. Just.a.bit....

Quotes of the workout:
From Chris: "my vajaja's a painin'!!!"
"good Lord, that girl's a gazelle"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Insanity - Day 2

Day #:2
Awake Time: 5:46 a.m.
Workout Today: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Accomplished: Y (Actually the definition of what you consider "Y" is somewhat skewed this morning)

**Well now. Wasn't that hell on earth fun???
**I was thinking that we could just rewind the warm-up a coupla times & just be done with the work-out.
**Someone may have cried during the last few reps.
**I didn't throw up, but I still can't drink my coffee....That may come up....

Quotes of the workout:
"Man, she's pasty"
"Does he have corn rows?!?!"
"That girl looks like Casey Anthony!"

Monday, August 1, 2011

Three Summers of Splash Parks


Insanity - Day 1

Chris & I decided to huff & puff try the Insanity work out.

Today was Day 1.

I used to think I was in shape.

In shape at best....

In shape at least....

Round is a shape....

Day 1 was just the Fit Test.

1/2 way through during the globe jumps,

I told Chris, "If I run to throw up, go on with out me."

I am going to try update my workout each day to chart myself.

Each day I'll fill in the blanks:

Day #:_________
Awake Time: _____________
Workout Today: ___________
Accomplished: Y/N
Feeling: _______________

I don't have any preconceived notions, except intimidation.

I don't think it's going to be pretty.

In fact some days it'll be down right nasty.

But I'm determined.


Firm, Unwavering.

Gotta do something.

Gotta get fit.

Tired of lagging behind.

Now, I'm on to conquer the day.

.....walking on wobbly legs.....

God save the Queen.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Audobon Zoo Caravan

It went like this:
8:00 a.m.
5 vehicles
8 adults
11 kids
14 hours

1st Ever:
 We were only at the 2nd exhibit & the boys looked like they were ready to throw in the towel...
 Izzy got smart & got a piggy-back ride.
Nonny & Lovee stopped for a rest.
 Oh, to be a bird on the shoulder to hear that conversation....
 Now here's where it got interesting:
The Dinosaur exhibit was fabulous, fascinating, frightening (to a young person).
They roared.
They moved.
They spit.
Yep, spit.
Paw Paw had to step in & help the girls get to know this creature.
Then they got brave & stepped in on their own.
 OK, so this tree was awesome.
I bet thousands of kids have climbed this branch over the years.
Our kids were no different.
Little monkeys.
 Even Izzy shimmied up that thing like she was descended from apes.
{Sorry Mom, that was just a joke...}
 All the kids rode the carousel several times before we headed to the cars for the quiet trip back home.