Okay, it's not as dramatic as it sounds. Well, maybe.
I couldn't find a bobby pin in my vanity drawer.
I had my hair cut last Thursday. Mrs. Kay came to sit with the kids while I had a nice, quiet hour in a busy, loud salon getting my hair done.
For the 1st time in probably 20 years, I had my stylist cut bangs.
She told me that it would take a few days to get used to them.
It's been a few days.
So I looked for a bobby pin.
On a normal day I can count at least a half dozen at the bottom of my top drawer.
Today I couldn't find one. I'm sure it had to do with the utter chaos going on in the 1st, 2nd AND 3rd drawers of my vanity.
Since all of my hair products are in my 1st drawer AND I couldn't find one, I said, "God, if you help me find a bobby pin, I swear I'll clean these drawers out."
I mean, it came out before I could stop myself. Just like that. Just like I thought if He cared if I had clean drawers or not.
I don't like to bargain with God. Although, I know I've done it before:
God, If you take this migraine away, I'll pray more often.
God, If you help me get over this 24 hour stomach virus in 2, I'll read my Bible more often.
God, If you yada, yada, yada, I'll yada, yada, yada....
I don't think that He hears my reply and says, "What the heck, it's a good deal to go with - she needs to clean her drawers anyway" and POOF, He sends me a bobby pin.
I really had to repent. I know to some that sounds extreme. I know that God knows my heart. Maybe that is why I felt so convicted. I was brought back to remembrance all of the bargaining I've done with God and how much of my end of the bargain I didn't keep.
But how good is God? He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. His mercies are new and fresh every morning. His love for me and you knows absolutely no bounds. He will always be a heart's cry away. I am encouraged by my Savior's love more today than yesterday.
It makes me want to spend more time in prayer with Him.
It makes me want to be in His Word more. I needed this bargain to bring me back to reality.
The reality is that I don't need to bargain. I don't need to plead. My God is here and his grace is sufficient for me.
Consequently, I found a bobby pin.
In the 2nd drawer.
In my manicure bag.
Gotta go clean out my vanity drawers.
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....
God Save The Queen.....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I always wanted Twins!!!
(Disclaimer: For some rambling reason, this one's a long one. Bear with me.)
I've figured it out...for the last year-no, maybe 15 months-no, well since Halloween 2007, I have figured out what's been nagging me about what people have been saying about having twins.
"I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one!!" It's what 2 out of 3 people have consistently told me since I've introduced the girls to the world. Why, just today we were in the elevator at Dillard's and a lady had to share the last two years of her daughter's life of twinhood. She was a complete doll. So sweet and gooshy over the girls - totally oblivious to the meltdown in progress by my sleep deprived 'almost four year old'. Alexander awoke this morning before 6 a.m with a crick in his neck. And let me say the words, "milking it" are NOT a slight exaggeration. He truly couldn't turn his little head to the left and it was freaking him out.
I'm drifting from the point...Once "Ms. Doll" snapped out of "multiples bliss" and realized the ever eminent brewing tantrum of my duo of one year olds, she let us on our merry way. We passed no fewer than 3-4 elderly ladies grinning at the stroller & making gushy eyes - I say elderly because I mistakenly parked at the wrong entrance to Dillard's and had to walk my trio of criers out of the ladies department instead of the housewares and kid's department where usually we go unnoticed because young couples in all of their registering glory haven't even noticed how cute my kids are yet and most moms shopping in the kid's department have learned early on how to tune out whiny squealing kids.
...drifting, drifting!!
Anywhoo...just last year on one of my 1st outings out with my Diva M.I.L. and our girls - I guess they were maybe a month or two old - she was talking with one of the many gushers who had to stop and gush over our sweet 'gush-worthy' babies in the deluxe double stroller. I swear that thing alone is a gusher magnet. It is truly deluxe. It draws the eye to itself that no other single stroller ever could. It's super svelte. I can weave in and out of aisles in stores like a seasoned pro (except for Gymboree, which my angst for that store is for another post) without tipping over a single rack. Except for that one time Izzy reached out and simply out of pure luck clasped her fat fingers at the right time around the 8th dress on a rack with no bumper and proceeded to pull all eight dresses to the floor.
....drifting, drifting again...
So, Mrs. Kay was bragging on our system of keeping the girls on a schedule. Giving me credit and making me blush - totally disregarding the fact that I probably would have gone to bed and never gotten out had it been for my Mom & Mother-In-Law. She also said something that made me almost break my neck from whipping my head around away from pulling Alexander away from a rack that he was trying to hide under.
She said, "I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one - at a time!!"
Now, we've had numerous heart to hearts about simply everything. Parenting, Marriage, Motherhood, Sisterhood, Chris, Jesus, etc....
But we've never, and I mean never had a heart to heart about her wanting twins. Yes, she says. Since she was a little girl. I thought about that later when things weren't so hectic. I NEVER knew this about her and her love for multiples. (Hint, hint...note the brownie points I'm rackin' up. Thanks to Iz & So!)
I guess so it goes for lots of things that we wish for and don't get them. Like in middle school, I wanted a pair of snazzy red ropers - that's cowgirl boots in teenage language {don't judge me, it was the fashion then!} But when the time came for me to pick them out I chickened out and got the safe colored navy blue - lace up, no doubt. Katie, my kindred spirit best friend since a hundred years ago reassured me that it was okay that I chickened out and she would share with me her snazzy red ropers anytime I wanted to wear them I could. But she wears a size 9 or 10 & the only thing little on this body is my minute size 8 shoe. I guess that it wasn't meant to be for me to ever wear snazzy red ropers. Even after I tried to stuff socks in the toes to make them fit....I think I tripped in the hall in school and never tried that again.
Anyway, back to multiples. I think that it would have been nice for Mrs. Kay to have had twins. It sure woulda given me a leg up on raisin' these manic multiples! I really don't know if what I'm doing with this brewd of mine is the norm or if I need classes or therapy or just a weekend away. We are wingin' it. Flying by the seat of our pants. Making it up as we go. Rolling with the flow. You get my drift.
But I never thought it out. I barely thought of having singles. As a young girl, I really didn't want kids at all. Hows that for a thought to tell you kids as they get older. I think that I was just immature and selfish in that I didn't want to give of myself, to share life with anyone. However, once I married Chris I immediately longed to have children. To watch them grow, to give them a fabulous life, to love them and snuggle with them, to teach them about Jesus as our parents taught us.
NEVER, in a million years NEVER, did I imagine that I would have a son and two daughters. I thought that we'd have a boy & a girl and get comfortable with our little nuclear family and live life. Boy, was I WRONG. I'm glad about how wrong I was. What a blessed life I live. What a treasure that God has given me.
Once, someone told me, "I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one," I fired back with, "I only wanted one but got two!!" The first time I said that I felt guilty. I would never want one of my girls to think I didn't want them. I definitely don't say it anymore.But I am glad now that I see the bigger picture. Who am I that God would think so much of me to entrust me not only with one but two. Not only two but three. Where would I be if I dictated where my life should go and not go. Where would I be if I thought only the best things for myself were of the present time and not looking ahead.
Thank You, Lord, that You know.....You knew all this time that I wanted twins!
It took me until October 31st in 2007 to know it!!
Isaiah 55:8-11
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
I've figured it out...for the last year-no, maybe 15 months-no, well since Halloween 2007, I have figured out what's been nagging me about what people have been saying about having twins.
"I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one!!" It's what 2 out of 3 people have consistently told me since I've introduced the girls to the world. Why, just today we were in the elevator at Dillard's and a lady had to share the last two years of her daughter's life of twinhood. She was a complete doll. So sweet and gooshy over the girls - totally oblivious to the meltdown in progress by my sleep deprived 'almost four year old'. Alexander awoke this morning before 6 a.m with a crick in his neck. And let me say the words, "milking it" are NOT a slight exaggeration. He truly couldn't turn his little head to the left and it was freaking him out.
I'm drifting from the point...Once "Ms. Doll" snapped out of "multiples bliss" and realized the ever eminent brewing tantrum of my duo of one year olds, she let us on our merry way. We passed no fewer than 3-4 elderly ladies grinning at the stroller & making gushy eyes - I say elderly because I mistakenly parked at the wrong entrance to Dillard's and had to walk my trio of criers out of the ladies department instead of the housewares and kid's department where usually we go unnoticed because young couples in all of their registering glory haven't even noticed how cute my kids are yet and most moms shopping in the kid's department have learned early on how to tune out whiny squealing kids.
...drifting, drifting!!
Anywhoo...just last year on one of my 1st outings out with my Diva M.I.L. and our girls - I guess they were maybe a month or two old - she was talking with one of the many gushers who had to stop and gush over our sweet 'gush-worthy' babies in the deluxe double stroller. I swear that thing alone is a gusher magnet. It is truly deluxe. It draws the eye to itself that no other single stroller ever could. It's super svelte. I can weave in and out of aisles in stores like a seasoned pro (except for Gymboree, which my angst for that store is for another post) without tipping over a single rack. Except for that one time Izzy reached out and simply out of pure luck clasped her fat fingers at the right time around the 8th dress on a rack with no bumper and proceeded to pull all eight dresses to the floor.
....drifting, drifting again...
So, Mrs. Kay was bragging on our system of keeping the girls on a schedule. Giving me credit and making me blush - totally disregarding the fact that I probably would have gone to bed and never gotten out had it been for my Mom & Mother-In-Law. She also said something that made me almost break my neck from whipping my head around away from pulling Alexander away from a rack that he was trying to hide under.
She said, "I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one - at a time!!"
Now, we've had numerous heart to hearts about simply everything. Parenting, Marriage, Motherhood, Sisterhood, Chris, Jesus, etc....
But we've never, and I mean never had a heart to heart about her wanting twins. Yes, she says. Since she was a little girl. I thought about that later when things weren't so hectic. I NEVER knew this about her and her love for multiples. (Hint, hint...note the brownie points I'm rackin' up. Thanks to Iz & So!)
I guess so it goes for lots of things that we wish for and don't get them. Like in middle school, I wanted a pair of snazzy red ropers - that's cowgirl boots in teenage language {don't judge me, it was the fashion then!} But when the time came for me to pick them out I chickened out and got the safe colored navy blue - lace up, no doubt. Katie, my kindred spirit best friend since a hundred years ago reassured me that it was okay that I chickened out and she would share with me her snazzy red ropers anytime I wanted to wear them I could. But she wears a size 9 or 10 & the only thing little on this body is my minute size 8 shoe. I guess that it wasn't meant to be for me to ever wear snazzy red ropers. Even after I tried to stuff socks in the toes to make them fit....I think I tripped in the hall in school and never tried that again.
Anyway, back to multiples. I think that it would have been nice for Mrs. Kay to have had twins. It sure woulda given me a leg up on raisin' these manic multiples! I really don't know if what I'm doing with this brewd of mine is the norm or if I need classes or therapy or just a weekend away. We are wingin' it. Flying by the seat of our pants. Making it up as we go. Rolling with the flow. You get my drift.
But I never thought it out. I barely thought of having singles. As a young girl, I really didn't want kids at all. Hows that for a thought to tell you kids as they get older. I think that I was just immature and selfish in that I didn't want to give of myself, to share life with anyone. However, once I married Chris I immediately longed to have children. To watch them grow, to give them a fabulous life, to love them and snuggle with them, to teach them about Jesus as our parents taught us.
NEVER, in a million years NEVER, did I imagine that I would have a son and two daughters. I thought that we'd have a boy & a girl and get comfortable with our little nuclear family and live life. Boy, was I WRONG. I'm glad about how wrong I was. What a blessed life I live. What a treasure that God has given me.
Once, someone told me, "I've always wanted twins, but only have gotten one," I fired back with, "I only wanted one but got two!!" The first time I said that I felt guilty. I would never want one of my girls to think I didn't want them. I definitely don't say it anymore.But I am glad now that I see the bigger picture. Who am I that God would think so much of me to entrust me not only with one but two. Not only two but three. Where would I be if I dictated where my life should go and not go. Where would I be if I thought only the best things for myself were of the present time and not looking ahead.
Thank You, Lord, that You know.....You knew all this time that I wanted twins!
It took me until October 31st in 2007 to know it!!
Isaiah 55:8-11
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Praise In Numbers
I've come to realize that I'm addicted to blog surfing.
I'll have gone from blog to blog to blog in look up and notice that a 1/2 hour has passed, my son is watching something on TV that he knows he can't watch, my girls are chatting away in their beds at each other when they should have eaten lunch (that I should have prepared a 1/2 hour ago) and the rinse cycle on my washer has passed without me putting the softener in.
I said all that to say this: When I was surfing, some blogs I read are very funny and upbeat. However, there are many there that are about loss of loved ones, loss of babies, sickness, etc. I try not to get bogged down from reading the. I find it actually strengthening my prayer life to interceed for those I don't even know. To pray for those going through sickness and dispair that I have never experienced. Through all of this though, I found out how many people actually follow someone that I, too follow. Her name is Kelly. She's Harper's Momma. She's a PK. She loves Jesus with all of her heart and half her kidney (thanks, Dad). She is a blog surfer like me and, like me has really become bogged down with so many things being blogged about that are "hard and sad things I've read lately." So....she decided to praise Him. It's crazy, plum crazy how many people are praising Him today from just reading her blog.
It kinda got me aggravated at myself. I should not have to read someone else's blog to be motivated to praise Jesus.
All I have to do is step two feet in any direction of this messy house of mine to have something to praise Him about. And I mean messy... Toys, thank you Jesus for toys.
All I have to do is scroll down my phone's address book to have 100 different people to praise Him about. I have the best friend a girl could ask for. Thank you Jesus for kindred spirits.
All I have to do is look at my three children to see healthy, well rounded, beautiful kids to praise Him about. As I'm typing this, my 4 year old came to give me a kiss.....
All I have to do is think of my ONE @ ONLY wonderful, handsome, hard working (EMPLOYED) husband to praise Him. That man took his lunch break this morning to meet me at Wal-Mart & help get groceries!!
All I have to do is pick up the phone and know that four grandparents, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and a slew of in-laws are at our reach, if need be....that alone is enough to praise Him... Thank you, Jesus for Paul, Kelly, Kay, Jimmy, Josh, Ann, Caleb, Tracy, Liz, Jeremy...I think I call them for help more than I should but I know they wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, I guess I should get back to the house. Gotta go change the channel, restart the rinse & feed my babies. Thank you Jesus for a TV, washing machine and food in the pantry.
****Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.....Praise the LORD!****
I'll have gone from blog to blog to blog in look up and notice that a 1/2 hour has passed, my son is watching something on TV that he knows he can't watch, my girls are chatting away in their beds at each other when they should have eaten lunch (that I should have prepared a 1/2 hour ago) and the rinse cycle on my washer has passed without me putting the softener in.
I said all that to say this: When I was surfing, some blogs I read are very funny and upbeat. However, there are many there that are about loss of loved ones, loss of babies, sickness, etc. I try not to get bogged down from reading the. I find it actually strengthening my prayer life to interceed for those I don't even know. To pray for those going through sickness and dispair that I have never experienced. Through all of this though, I found out how many people actually follow someone that I, too follow. Her name is Kelly. She's Harper's Momma. She's a PK. She loves Jesus with all of her heart and half her kidney (thanks, Dad). She is a blog surfer like me and, like me has really become bogged down with so many things being blogged about that are "hard and sad things I've read lately." So....she decided to praise Him. It's crazy, plum crazy how many people are praising Him today from just reading her blog.
It kinda got me aggravated at myself. I should not have to read someone else's blog to be motivated to praise Jesus.
All I have to do is step two feet in any direction of this messy house of mine to have something to praise Him about. And I mean messy... Toys, thank you Jesus for toys.
All I have to do is scroll down my phone's address book to have 100 different people to praise Him about. I have the best friend a girl could ask for. Thank you Jesus for kindred spirits.
All I have to do is look at my three children to see healthy, well rounded, beautiful kids to praise Him about. As I'm typing this, my 4 year old came to give me a kiss.....
All I have to do is think of my ONE @ ONLY wonderful, handsome, hard working (EMPLOYED) husband to praise Him. That man took his lunch break this morning to meet me at Wal-Mart & help get groceries!!
All I have to do is pick up the phone and know that four grandparents, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and a slew of in-laws are at our reach, if need be....that alone is enough to praise Him... Thank you, Jesus for Paul, Kelly, Kay, Jimmy, Josh, Ann, Caleb, Tracy, Liz, Jeremy...I think I call them for help more than I should but I know they wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, I guess I should get back to the house. Gotta go change the channel, restart the rinse & feed my babies. Thank you Jesus for a TV, washing machine and food in the pantry.
****Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.....Praise the LORD!****
Monday, March 16, 2009
Our Girls' Birthday Pictures
Taa daaa...this was a quick snap, Sophie was on "GO" the entire day!! She wanted to have you hold her hand while she walked everywhere. She actually took 2-3 steps by herself. I missed it but Chris started yelling when he saw her! We were so fired up!
Why (AND WHEN?) did she start making this face?!?!

Chris and I wanted to contribute to the baked goodies. I say "Chris & I" because he actually helped! He picked up those piping bags and went to town decorating some of the cookies! Can you believe it?! My goodness, he was a big help!
We started the partaaayy of with these lovely cakes made by my Mother & Sister-In-Law (otherwise known as Me Me & Nannnneeee).
How precious is that fondant caterpillar, I ASK YOU?!? It was tasty, too!!
"I'm kinda tired, can I get in my bed for a nap?"
"Me, too. I see cake up there, maybe just a little sugar will do us some good..."
"I'm supposed to do WHAT with this?"
"Yeah, just like this...Mom doesn't seem to mind today..."
"I think I'm getting the hang of this..."
"ME, TOO!! This is soo funnnnn!!!
"Hey Izzy, try this one!!"
"Hey!! What happened to our dresses?!? Sophie's the one making the mess!!"
"Here, can I have some of your's?...Some one smashed mine all up!!"

We even had more fun this morning....cookies for breakfast...
Friday, March 13, 2009
New York Style Crumb Cake
**I have loved Coffee Cake since I was young. But all of the recipes I've looked for lately have included toasted coconut. I can't stand toasted coconut! So one morning when the girls were itty bitty, I was watching America's Test Kitchen and they had a show about breakfast foods and one of the recipes was New York Style Crumb Cake. I tried it in the pan with the parchment paper and all. However, I'm the only one in my house who eats cake, so it went dry really fast. So, this week I tried it in muffin tins so that I can eat one serving at a time. It actually worked! So if you don't plan on the entire cake being eaten with in a day, try the muffin way.

Don't be tempted to substitute all-purpose flour for the cake flour, as doing so will make a dry, tough cake. If you can't find buttermilk, you can substitute an equal amount of plain, low-fat yogurt. When topping the cake, take care to not push the crumbs into the batter. This recipe can be easily doubled and baked in a 13 by 9-inch baking dish. If doubling, increase the baking time to about 45 minutes. Cooled leftovers can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to 2 days.Serves 8 to 10
Crumb Topping
1/3 cup granulated sugar (2 2/3 ounces)
1/3 cup dark brown sugar (2 2/3 ounces)
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon table salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 stick), melted and still warm
1 3/4 cups cake flour (7 ounces)
1 1/4 cups cake flour (5 ounces)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (3 1/2 ounces)
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon table salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter (3/4 stick), cut into 6 pieces, softened but still cool
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup buttermilk
Confectioners' sugar for dusting
1. FOR THE TOPPING: Whisk sugars, cinnamon, salt, and butter in medium bowl to combine. Add flour and stir with rubber spatula or wooden spoon until mixture resembles thick, cohesive dough; set aside to cool to room temperature, 10 to 15 minutes.
2. FOR THE CAKE: Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Cut 16-inch length parchment paper or aluminum foil and fold lengthwise to 7-inch width. Spray 8-inch square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray and fit parchment into dish, pushing it into corners and up sides; allow excess to overhang edges of dish.
3. In bowl of standing mixer fitted with paddle attachment, mix flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt on low speed to combine. With mixer running at low speed, add butter one piece at a time; continue beating until mixture resembles moist crumbs, with no visible butter chunks remaining, 1 to 2 minutes. Add egg, yolk, vanilla, and buttermilk; beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 1 minute, scraping once if necessary.
4. Transfer batter to baking pan; using rubber spatula, spread batter into even layer. Following photos below, break apart crumb topping into large pea-sized pieces and spread in even layer over batter, beginning with edges and then working toward center.

Bake until crumbs are golden and wooden skewer inserted into center of cake comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool on wire rack at least 30 minutes. Remove cake from pan by lifting parchment overhang. Dust with confectioners' sugar just before serving.
Don't be tempted to substitute all-purpose flour for the cake flour, as doing so will make a dry, tough cake. If you can't find buttermilk, you can substitute an equal amount of plain, low-fat yogurt. When topping the cake, take care to not push the crumbs into the batter. This recipe can be easily doubled and baked in a 13 by 9-inch baking dish. If doubling, increase the baking time to about 45 minutes. Cooled leftovers can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to 2 days.Serves 8 to 10
Crumb Topping
1/3 cup granulated sugar (2 2/3 ounces)
1/3 cup dark brown sugar (2 2/3 ounces)
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon table salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 stick), melted and still warm
1 3/4 cups cake flour (7 ounces)
1 1/4 cups cake flour (5 ounces)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (3 1/2 ounces)
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon table salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter (3/4 stick), cut into 6 pieces, softened but still cool
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup buttermilk
Confectioners' sugar for dusting
1. FOR THE TOPPING: Whisk sugars, cinnamon, salt, and butter in medium bowl to combine. Add flour and stir with rubber spatula or wooden spoon until mixture resembles thick, cohesive dough; set aside to cool to room temperature, 10 to 15 minutes.
2. FOR THE CAKE: Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Cut 16-inch length parchment paper or aluminum foil and fold lengthwise to 7-inch width. Spray 8-inch square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray and fit parchment into dish, pushing it into corners and up sides; allow excess to overhang edges of dish.
3. In bowl of standing mixer fitted with paddle attachment, mix flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt on low speed to combine. With mixer running at low speed, add butter one piece at a time; continue beating until mixture resembles moist crumbs, with no visible butter chunks remaining, 1 to 2 minutes. Add egg, yolk, vanilla, and buttermilk; beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 1 minute, scraping once if necessary.
4. Transfer batter to baking pan; using rubber spatula, spread batter into even layer. Following photos below, break apart crumb topping into large pea-sized pieces and spread in even layer over batter, beginning with edges and then working toward center.
Bake until crumbs are golden and wooden skewer inserted into center of cake comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool on wire rack at least 30 minutes. Remove cake from pan by lifting parchment overhang. Dust with confectioners' sugar just before serving.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Brother's Birthday Cupcakes
My Gram used to traditionally make a Red Velvet Cake for my birthday. It had become a comfortable tradition that I would look forward to every year. That slice of red goodness topped with lucious cream cheese frosting was enough to send a diabetic into a coma. The cake was always so soft she had to keep the layers held together with tooth picks - I'd look forward to finding one. Kind of like finding the baby in a King Cake. HEY, it was a tradition, okay!!
I adore baking. I think that was passed down from Gram and Mom. My Girls don't have a chance especially since my Mother-In-Law is Betty Crocker. (No lie, she's a diva in the kitchen, too!!!) I've been on a baking tear lately because Alexander has become really interested in helping me. However, I haven't really wanted to try my hand at Red Velvet until this year. It's not a difficult recipe, just not my tradition.
Until now.
I thought this would become something nice for me to pick up for the Patties in memory of Gram. Brother jumped in with both hands. I think the food coloring was the "icing on the cake!!"
Here's the recipe:
1 box White Cake Mix
3 Tbsp Cocoa
1 Tsp Baking Powder
2 mini bottles of RED food coloring
**Put the food coloring in the water that the cake mix calls for.
**Put the food coloring in the water that the cake mix calls for.
**Continue on with the directions on cake mix.
1 8oz. Cream Cheese (room temp.)
1 stick unsalted Butter (room temp.)
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla
**Mix all together and spread over cake
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to You Two......
Our Sweet, Precious, Loving, Squishy, Adorable Girls,

Who would have thought just one year could pass "in the blink of any eye?" I think that in the years of all years, this one has been one of the most monumental in our lives. At times I sit back and have one of those, "oh my God, I have two of them!" moments. It stopped being one of those types of overwhelming type moments around month 3 - when you began sleeping through the night and we were less sleep deprived. Now, they are filled with giggles, kisses, jumpy jiggs, and twirls (yes, I do twirl over my GIRLS!) because I get so excited about my kiddos! Every single breath-taking moment has been joyous and I thank God daily for blessing me with you girls.
I have been so touched this week by milestones and accomplishments that you have made and know that it is only going to get better and better every day. From the moment you girls were born, my life has changed for the better. You and your Brother make me long to be a better Momma, Wife, Daughter, Christian, Friend and Sister.
Isabella, from the moment we knew we were having a girl, Daddy & I knew you would be our Izzy. Your name fits in such a way, that only God coulda placed you with that name. Your playful, silly attitude keeps us in giggles constantly. You don't pass a stranger without giving your signature "princess" wave. You touch everyone that you come in contact with. I pray that you always keep that whimsical spirit. That you always show that light inside you. That you draw people to you. I pray that you carry Jesus with you everywhere you go. That when people see you, they want to know what is so different with you. Where some see hurt and pain and confusion in the world, I pray that you help them see the light of God's love and peace.
Sophia, when Daddy saw two babies on that ultrasound screen and we forever were having two baby girls, you became our Sophie. What a wonderful way to come into our lives! Such a glorious surprise! I always prayed for a little girl, but God knew how badly I wanted one - HE GAVE ME TWO! God gave me you! Your sweet gentle spirit has been such a touching, endearing hug that you will never know! Nothing gets past your watchful eye. (I think that may be a good thing in keeping Izzy under a thumb:-) You are calculated (even at one year old) in the way you move, share your hugs and kisses and (Momma can tell) even when you think. I am so excited to watch you learn and grow. I pray that you, too carry Jesus with you everywhere you go. People are going to be drawn to your peace and comfort. You will be able to share our Saviour to people wherever you go.
Girls, I am so excited for you to have each other!! I already see your closeness. I already see your excitement for each other. I already know you have a built-in best friend and I am kind of proud that I had a part in that! I didn't have a sister growing up, so in a way, I envy your bond. I know there will be times you yearn for individuality - and I hope that I will be able to help you work through those times. However, I know that you will never find anyone closer than your sister. I am so thankful everyday for you two. I can't wait for so many more years to come. I promise to continue to nurture you, to comfort you, to engulf you with kisses, tickles, pinchies and zurbirts. I pledge to continue to pray with you, for you, over you. I am committed to teaching you about Jesus and how he came to earth to save us and wants a relationship with you.
Thank you so much for enriching my life more than you will ever know.
Your Momma loves you very much!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Milestones make me Giggle...
Who'da thought certain milestones would make a blog!?!
I think this week we've hit a record amount of milestones so far in the Patties' Year so far-& we haven't even made it to the birthday!
Monday we bought their "big girl" car seats! It was time, seeing as the 1 year mark is going to be next week. I didn't think it would be so overwhelming. Not a 'crying' overwhelming but a 'giggly' overwhelming...Once Chris & I put the seats in the car & we immediately loaded us all up to run out for an ice cream treat. After we were all settled in, we turned around and looked at the sardines packed across the backseat behind us. We turned to each other & just giggled....
Tuesday & Wednesday they did not eat ANY baby food. I mean none. I had just gone to the grocery store over the weekend to stock the cabinet w/ jar baby food and wouldn'tcha know it, they don't want NONE!!! I think it had to do with the fact that on Monday we ate lunch @ Picadilly & we fed them corn, green beans & french fries. They love corn!! And at dinner I gave them roast & rice & gravy & green beans. Izzy loves the G.B.'s! Eats 'em like they're going out of style. Sophie, on the other hand, would probably rather eat dirt. She makes the funniest faces. She makes her brother giggle with those faces. For dessert they nibbled on 'Nilla Wafers.
Yesterday (Thursday) we played forever at City Park with Braden & Samantha & her friend, Ashley. Such a beautiful day. We actually wore shorts & the girls wore skorts. I put them in the swings and they just giggled. With every push their tummies just rolled-so cute:-0)
Today was Bunny Picture day @ the studio with Nanny Liz & Uncle Troy. Hopefully I'll get a few shots to post later. Izzy just smiled & waved at the camera. Alexander was so worried the bunnies would scratch them. Sophie said, "I'll take care of that" & proceeded to try to rip the poor bunny's ears off....traumatic. FUNNY, but traumatic. At least for the bunny. We all just had to giggle.....
I think this week we've hit a record amount of milestones so far in the Patties' Year so far-& we haven't even made it to the birthday!
Monday we bought their "big girl" car seats! It was time, seeing as the 1 year mark is going to be next week. I didn't think it would be so overwhelming. Not a 'crying' overwhelming but a 'giggly' overwhelming...Once Chris & I put the seats in the car & we immediately loaded us all up to run out for an ice cream treat. After we were all settled in, we turned around and looked at the sardines packed across the backseat behind us. We turned to each other & just giggled....
Tuesday & Wednesday they did not eat ANY baby food. I mean none. I had just gone to the grocery store over the weekend to stock the cabinet w/ jar baby food and wouldn'tcha know it, they don't want NONE!!! I think it had to do with the fact that on Monday we ate lunch @ Picadilly & we fed them corn, green beans & french fries. They love corn!! And at dinner I gave them roast & rice & gravy & green beans. Izzy loves the G.B.'s! Eats 'em like they're going out of style. Sophie, on the other hand, would probably rather eat dirt. She makes the funniest faces. She makes her brother giggle with those faces. For dessert they nibbled on 'Nilla Wafers.
Yesterday (Thursday) we played forever at City Park with Braden & Samantha & her friend, Ashley. Such a beautiful day. We actually wore shorts & the girls wore skorts. I put them in the swings and they just giggled. With every push their tummies just rolled-so cute:-0)
Today was Bunny Picture day @ the studio with Nanny Liz & Uncle Troy. Hopefully I'll get a few shots to post later. Izzy just smiled & waved at the camera. Alexander was so worried the bunnies would scratch them. Sophie said, "I'll take care of that" & proceeded to try to rip the poor bunny's ears off....traumatic. FUNNY, but traumatic. At least for the bunny. We all just had to giggle.....
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