
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Monday, April 25, 2011


This Easter was a gorgeous day.
The kids woke up to their little baskets full of goodies.
We let them take their time to enjoy their loot this morning.
Time for a tortuous brother/sister picture.
Suck It Up.
The on to Josh & Ann's house for our Annual Easter Crawfish Boil.
I know you are.
Just admit it.
It's OK.
I would be too.
After we got there, Izzy began running fever & not feeling well.
Chris took her to MeMe & Poppies to lay on the couch for a nap so these are the only pictures I have of her all day. Poor Baby.
Sophie was so excited about the Easter Egg Hunt!
She kept picking the eggs up saying, "Thith ones for ma Ithhy."
{Translation: This one is for Izzy}

After we ate, Ann had all kinds of fun games for the kids to play in the yard.
Sophie was in her prime in that crawfish sack!!
The adults all did the egg-on-the-spoon relay.
My Dad cheated. Stinker.
The 3-legged sack race was so much fun.
Caleb & Bubb cheated!!
Three generations of CHEATERS!!!
Sophie wanted to race with me so bad. I didn't know how it was going to play out but man did we have a good time.
We finished up the afternoon with Sophie missing her sister so we packed up & headed home with some tired little chirrens.

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