It went like this:
8:00 a.m.
5 vehicles
8 adults
11 kids
14 hours
1st Ever:
We were only at the 2nd exhibit & the boys looked like they were ready to throw in the towel...
Izzy got smart & got a piggy-back ride.
Nonny & Lovee stopped for a rest.
Oh, to be a bird on the shoulder to hear that conversation....
Now here's where it got interesting:
The Dinosaur exhibit was fabulous, fascinating, frightening (to a young person).
They roared.
They moved.
They spit.
Yep, spit.
Paw Paw had to step in & help the girls get to know this creature.
Then they got brave & stepped in on their own.
OK, so this tree was awesome.
I bet thousands of kids have climbed this branch over the years.
Our kids were no different.
Little monkeys.
Even Izzy shimmied up that thing like she was descended from apes.
{Sorry Mom, that was just a joke...}
All the kids rode the carousel several times before we headed to the cars for the quiet trip back home.