Birthday invitations span between 50 & 60 invites with most addressees in attendance.
Birthday parties are usually 90% family 10% friends.
Out of approximately 125 Christmas cards sent out each year, only 15 are friends. The rest are, yes, you got it, F.A.M.I.L.Y.
When introducing most people in my life to strangers, it's usually, "this is my cousin," "this is my sister-in-law," "this is my aunt/uncle."
We've only had to hire a babysitter twice in almost five years - they're in line behind Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Cousins-In-Law, Those twice removed and so on, and so on..
Our Kids have so many Aunts & Uncles, they even call our Friends "Aunt So & So," and "Uncle So & So."
The contacts in my cell phone labeled "friends" & "family" are definitely off in ratio.
We spend more time during the holidays on the road visiting family than staying home with our kids.