
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

3 Things I love about my Kids...

Alexander ~
~The way he helps out...when I thank him for helping me with Izzy or Sophie, he says, "no big problem 'Mam, just doin' my job!" Like he's the super hero of the house.
~When he's really trying to relay the love he has for me or his Daddy, he says, "I love you much, much, mucha more and more."
~Every, I mean every, morning, Alexander wakes up, tells us all good morning and then goes to his favorite spot on the couch, covers up under his favorite blanket and yawns. Yes, I said yawn. He could be yawning all the way out of the bed but once he's snug under that blanket, he'll yawn again. Simple but I love how he's so routine and comfortable.

Isabella ~
~She's learned to say "Good Morning." But from her lips is a high pitched: "Mawnin'!!" I don't think I will EVER forget that sound.
~When people see Izzy for the 1st time, they ALWAYS comment on her crystal blue eyes but I think that her smile always gets overlooked. She has this unforgettable grin - with sort of an under bite, so her chin sticks out a bit and her cheeks squeeze up and her eyes get lost. P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S.
~She's famous for getting into things she oughtn't, so when she does say for instance, get into my china cabinet, she's into the habit of telling her own self, "ah ah, NO NO!!" What tops this all off is when she throws that chubby little finger in the air and starts shaking it at herself!!

Sophia ~
~Ahh, my independent one - Sophie is famous for her independence. Not necessary to have a playmate and even sometimes prefers to be alone and quiet with herself. But what is most beautiful about her independence is how she's totally secure in quietly walking right over to me, sit on my lap, wiggle 'til she's comfy and snuggle in my arms.
~This caboose of ours loves, LOVES cartoons. I'm not sure when we began encouraging our 1 year old to purposefully sit in front of the TV but at any given time, if cartoons are on the tube, she'll plop onto her brother's favorite spot on the couch and suck that thumb to Micky Mouse Clubhouse. Her version of "Hot Dog" is serendipity to me.
~I know, I know, I really should not encourage my child to suck her thumb but it's so cute. She takes that blue lovee of hers and rubs her face with it while sucking her little thumb. If she's sitting in my lap, I'll tease her by popping her thumb out of her mouth and chewing on it like it's a delicious piece of steak.


Holly said...

Sounds like you have adorable children! Very cute photos on the sidebar too! :D

Booksh Bunch said...

They each have their own little plus about them!

God, My Savior Forever! said...

Hi! You have a very beautiful blog..and some of the cutest babies:D I ejoyed reading about each one...it's unbelievable who at such aa young age and maybe even younger you can see their personality, likes ans dislikes. God bless your beautiful children!!! We would love to have twins..sometimes I sit and think about it and I get a gut feeling that we're going to have twins one day but a boy and a girl. Huh...we'll see...
