
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 5 Down

Sophie coughed all night.

I woke up to Izzy running 101.5 temp.

That was it!

I made an appointment with the Dr.

Out of Four Ears

we have

Four Ear Infections.

Two for each girl.

Yep. It happens all together.

Bubb was great. He played his DS the whole visit.

I owe him movie night, tonight.

Movie of his choice.

God help me.

While waiting in Wal-Mart for the pharmacy to fill TWO prescriptions, Bubb begged me for an Iron Man toy & a pineapple.

The pineapple won.

Today at snack time, I cut up the pineapple & he yelled, "ewww, what's that smell?"

I said, "pineapple."

He said, "ughh, I'm not eatin' that!!"

I said, "oh yes you are."

Today at snack time, they all had pineapple.

Then, Sophie ate more pineapple,

Izzy had Doritos (or in her language, "reeeetooos")

Bubb had BBQ Pringles.

Izzy pitched a fit because Bubb wouldn't have Reeetoooos with her.


We went to church this evening for a VBS training meeting. Think we had around 50 people there.

Izzy squealed the whole time. Making it difficult for everyone to divert there attention back to the podium instead of watching the cute 2 year old attention hog....

Sophie announced in front of everyone that she "POO-POO'd."

Bubb quietly played his DS the whole time.

He definitely gets movie night tonight.

I've kinda talked up one of the Indiana Jones' so at least I won't want to pull out my fingernails...

Yesterday at Nonny & Paw Paw's, he made friends with a little Roly Poly caterpillar that he found back on the right-of-way with Paw Paw.

I JUST HAD to get him something to put the new friend in so he could take him home.


I found a paper bowl to let him crawl around in for the last few hours we were there.

When it was time to go and leave his new friend, the attachment to the caterpillar had definitely become unhealthy and a total, complete, desperate meltdown occurred.

On the way home he told me, "Mom, I really miss my caterpillar friend."

It was sad and funny all at the same time. Mostly funny, but sad.

Tonight he asked, "Mom, do you think my caterpillar is okay?"

Then he said, "I miss my Daddy more than my caterpillar."

I just hugged him & reminded, "Only two more wake-ups."

1 comment:

Jen said...

This was my first time to your blog!
This post cracked me up.
Sorry about the double ear infections :(
Your kids are precious!