
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Four Year Old Boy...

Picks his nose shamelessly.

Doesn't care if Momma close-talks with bad breath.

Says, "I love you" immediately after a spanking.

Loves his scooter immensely.

Teases his Sisters incessantly.

Swims fearlessly.

Forgives immediately.

Remembers E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

Prays for anyone, anywhere without any reservation.

Proudly knows the words to "Hey, Good Lookin'!"

Wants to be bigger than he is, so that he can jump from tall buildings and out of cars.

Picked ALL THREE Spiderman movies to "watch on his day off."

Slams doors - specifically when the Sisters are sleeping.

Shuts doors quietly - only when we're all awake.

Fights with Mom & Dad E.V.E.R.Y night at bedtime.

Loves it when Dad announces "Spiderman's worst enemy is in the house!!"

Squeals because it's the "ticklemonster!!"

Doesn't give out too many kisses - they're kinda yuck.

Doesn't hesitate to kiss his sisters anytime they ask. {he's gunna kill me later for that one}

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