God Save The Queen.....
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Precious Gift{s}
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Report on Kohen
Kohen is doing really good! The Doctors are calling him an unexplainable miracle! They have moved him out of NICU into a more stable room. His vitals are all showing great signs. The only thing they are keeping an eye on is a small pocket of blood between his brain and skull that they say will be absorbed soon in the healing process. The Drs. say his skull fractures and facial fractures will heal in time. They are sure Kohen will be able to go home with in a few days.
How great is our God, I ask you?!?! A child that went through a 2 story window only sustaining facial fractures WILL BE ABLE TO GO HOME WITH IN A FEW DAYS!!
Thank you, everyone, for all of your prayers. I'll get more updates tomorrow & post more.
**UPDATE** Kohen Baby is home!! The Doctors wanted him to hold two meals down and yesterday (Sunday) he ate breakfast & lunch! He even gave them all a nice belly laugh {according to Belle Belle} when Big Sister Karsyn was playing with him, he gave everyone a giggle!! Our God is so big! Thanks to all for praying and thinking of Ryan and Hollie and all of their family! Keep them in your prayers as there is still a tedious healing process ahead of them.
Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think In my simple mind, I wouldn't have even imagined to pray for such a speedy recovery!
Psalm 36:7
How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!
Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.
Isaiah 12:5
Sing to the LORD,
For He has done excellent things;
Prayer Warriors Needed
- That the Doctors and staff would have wisdom in how to treat baby Kohen.
- That God's peace would come over Bud & Hollie through this situation.
- That all brain activity would become stronger as the day progresses.
- That Kohen's pain would be a minimum as they are not able to sedate him while processing the brain scans.
I will be keeping in touch with Shawn, Ryan's sister, for more updates from Bud and Aunt Belle and will post them as I hear.
**UPDATE** As of last night, hearing from Aunt Belle, Kohen is HOME!! How good is God, I ask you?!?! And what a miracle that baby is! Click here for more updates.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My Four Year Old Boy...
Says, "I love you" immediately after a spanking.
Loves his scooter immensely.
Teases his Sisters incessantly.
Swims fearlessly.
Forgives immediately.
Remembers E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Prays for anyone, anywhere without any reservation.
Proudly knows the words to "Hey, Good Lookin'!"
Wants to be bigger than he is, so that he can jump from tall buildings and out of cars.
Picked ALL THREE Spiderman movies to "watch on his day off."
Slams doors - specifically when the Sisters are sleeping.
Shuts doors quietly - only when we're all awake.
Fights with Mom & Dad E.V.E.R.Y night at bedtime.
Loves it when Dad announces "Spiderman's worst enemy is in the house!!"
Squeals because it's the "ticklemonster!!"
Doesn't give out too many kisses - they're kinda yuck.
Doesn't hesitate to kiss his sisters anytime they ask. {he's gunna kill me later for that one}
Chicken Spaghetti
And the BONUS: it's E-A-S-Y!!! Oh so easy.
{Side note: I also had a different version of this dish a few years earlier when I had Alexander. A special co-worker of mine used her late Grandmother's recipe. It froze GREAT and we had it a few weeks later when the Mom's finished cooking for us. Her recipe called for sliced can mushrooms, pimentos and some other yummy stuff. That dish was so good I asked her for the recipe. When she came to work with it, it was a photo copy of her Gram's cookbook page in her handwriting - So special!! I still have it!)
I made a few changes:
Her recipe was called Ro-Tel Chicken Spaghetti. The Ro-Tel is too pepper-hot to taste with Alexander & the Girls now eating everything we eat. So I put diced stewed tomatoes in ours today.
Hers had green onions - I'm not a big fan of cooking green onions.
Hers had a green bell pepper - I just didn't have one. But it's good either way.
It's also good to sprinkle parmesan or bread crumbs or chopped parsley on top to finish it off.
I usually use what is in the kitchen.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Chances are...
...If the Internet is on - I'm sitting in my chair addicted to reading blogs.
...If it's fattening - It's going straight to my thighs.
...If it's fattening - Chris's body is burning it off as he eats it.
...If I've got good advice - No one wants to hear it.
...If I fall asleep before 11:30 - I'll be awake again by 2:30.
...If there's an empty water bottle in the house - Chris fills it for me.
...If there's a screw-up in the checking account - it's from my mistake!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Fun Day had by All
Being the good man that he is, he scheduled in some "us" time out of his ginormously busy work life so that we could all be with Daddy before the trip to Cali.
We didn't tell Alexander ahead of time where we were going. Actually, he knew we were heading to New Orleans but didn't know what we were going to do.
Until he met these guys:
That Cutie Patootie in the green shirt is one of the girl's future boyfriend, Jack. {No need to worry about him being fought over - his Momma just delivered a Cutie Patootie baby brother, Owen, last week. One for each of the Sisters!} His Daddy works with Chris & they got together & decided that their kids needed to meet the Imagination Movers. {Quick Question: Who looks more excited, a.) The Dads or b.) The Boys?}
Rich was so good with the girls. He even remembered which baby was Izzy & which was Sophie.
It DOES pay to have some one in the Film and Television industry sleeping in the bed next to you every night.
Most of my friends (and LOTS of family) would be excited to be on a movie set like Dukes of Hazzard or True Blood. Nah, not me. Nothing tops seeing a four-year-old seeing those guys for the first time in person. Actually driving away from the Nims Center knowing that "he knew" they were real. That to him, they actually solved problems. It's priceless!!
The folks at Disney were so incredibly hospitable while we were there. I'd been to the sound stage with Chris a few years back when they were filming Glory Road, but to see the place transformed into the Mover's Warehouse was AWESOME!!! They let us walk on set, watch some filming and Scott even "taught Alexander the Mover's Secret Handshake." We even got to meet Warehouse Mouse!! Izzy was so giggly with that little puppet! My highlight was meeting Nina!! We love her! She played with the girls and held them. Sophie even gave her Blue for a few minutes!
It was a fabulous set visit! Lots of fun had by all!!
Thank you, Daddy, for doing what you do! Not for just the perks of set visits, wrap parties or meeting famous people. But for all of the hard work you do day in and day out. Your dedication allows us so much more than monetary "stuff." We are grateful everyday when you walk out of the house in your handsome duds to conquer the movie world.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Back at Home in Pre-K
Now that he is 4 years old ("Mom, I wanna pretend I'm 5) we enrolled him back at his old school. Our church parish school didn't work out for Pre-K, so we chose to go back where it all began. Where the nurturing began. Where all the love grew. Where all of the timeout corners were worn out. Where he learned to cut paper in the paper cutting station (seriously, his last teacher said he could sit there for hours cutting up construction paper.) Where he threw Tyler's hat across the fence into the canal below.
This morning when Daddy & Momma dropped him off after 1 year of being gone, it felt like home. It felt like I was dropping him off with family. It felt good. It felt like home.
And just what have the Patties been up to while Bubb was gone for the day?
Eating doughnuts, drinking milk, running errands....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Our $11, $11 Purchase
We went to get Toot's school supplies.
Don't ask why we waited until the last minute.
Passing by the shoe section, one of the girls {can't remember which one} started screaming:
"chooooos!! choooos!! CHOOOOOS!!"
Now I remember, it was Sophie.
They all three had a chance to pick out a toy {It was, after all, payday.}
Alexander picked out a Transformer {Big surprise there!!},
Izzy picked out 2 little people {A doctor and a dentist, no doubt},
and Sophie, my sweet sweet Sophie, picked out a book with red shoes on the front {she is her mother's child...round face, brown eyes, bull-headed, er, uh, good fashion sense...I digress}.
She spotted it before we could get it off the shelf, screaming "choos!! Choos, Momma!!"
They were red Mary Jane's with a little flower on the top.
She looked through that book several times before with actually made it to the shoe section
and then...
She saw the real thing!
It's not the easiest thing to find items in the same size in Wal-Mart.
It's not the easiest thing to find items in the same size in Wal-Mart in the same color.
It's not the easiest thing to find items in the same size in Wal-Mart in the same color that you LIKE.
Well, we found two pair of the same size purple Mary Jane's that we liked.
More importantly, that the Sisters liked.
Once the purple Mary Jane's were paid for and were at their new home, it was bed time.
But the Sisters were having nothing doing with Mom & Dad wanting to take them off.
"Night-Night Choooooos, Momma!!" was what we heard from them both.
Getting them off of fat feet was not an option.
Taking pictures of them sleeping with Purple Mary Jane Choooooos was the best option.