
I am proud of my family. I love Jesus. I am not perfect. I like junk food, particularly potato chips. I work out with my sexy rock star husband. I hate it. I do it for the company. My children make my heart beat. I was once a full time photographer. I retired to loose my sanity by becoming a stay-at-home Mom. I recently came out of retirement to avoid the looney-bin. Please enjoy the funny stories of my family, the hilarity of me trying to work out & find my skinny and the every-now-and-then crafts that I begin but rarely finish.
God Save The Queen.....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pre-K costs HOW MUCH?!????

Chris & I went to our church parish to the Open House they had for all new students of the 09-10 school year. We were able to me some of the faculty and staff, ask questions, take a tour and swallow the fact that the 1st year of our oldest son's life will probably cost more than both of our first cars combined. da da da da dada da dum...Under pressure....But we have the assured peace of mind that our son will be well cared for, learn fundamentals and about Jesus. That last part alone is worth all of the 1st cars in the world. Next Tuesday is registration, so please pray for us that he gets in.
We had another beautiful day of outside play and the kids had a great afternoon. Enjoy some of the shots...

Fat Piggies in the grass...

Truly Happy BabyTotal Melt Down...
Someone's Oblivious....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Do I smell Spring?

Chris & Alexander mowed the grass Saturday. I say Alexander, too because he really did help Chris with the mower. Chris, the ultimate & consummately patient Father lets Alexander push the mower on the lower bar while he is pushing the top bar. He was so very proud that he was helping that he ran in and grabbed his play safety glasses because "there is grass flying all over the yard, Mom!!"

The yard looks much better thanks to my two guys! It still has a dead look to it but there are green patches of pretty grass and plump clover all around. Don't you just love the smell of fresh cut grass? That smell takes me all the way back to childhood when my Dad would come home from a hard day of work. He started a small grass cutting business right from our kitchen dinette and worked from dusk 'til dawn. He'd always come in smelling like that and I couldn't help think of those memories when Alexander came in with cut grass on his shoes.

Anyway, that 1st grass cutting of the season always makes me think of 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! If you have been through a rough winter, the spring is around the corner! It's time to shake off the old and embrace the newness of Christ and His love for us!

Today I walked into my bathroom to find two busy 10 month old girls going through the lowest drawer in my vanity. Don't be alarmed, it doesn't house any chemicals, make-up or cleaning products. No, I learned that from my eldest - after a long phone call with Poison Control after he had ingested something that we hadn't used in several years, I now store everything dangerous behind child-locked doors and drawers.
Anyway, they got into the drawer that I put my flat iron, curling iron, blow dryer, etc. And I just found it TOTALLY ironic that they had the best time playing with something that they have no use for. Apart from the fact that they are 10 months old and couldn't plug anything in if they tried (and yes, they have tried!!) they have NO hair!! I had to capture their mischeviousness!!

love you all!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

9 month Check-Ups

Today was our 9 month check up for Izzy & Sophie. They are 10 1/2 months old but they've been sick since the 9 mo. mark and the holidays came and went, so we are just making it today. Our Butterballs have grown so much lately! Izzy is 21 lbs. 4 oz. @ 27 3/4 inches and Sophie is 20 lbs. 14 oz. @ 27 1/2 inches. We are so proud of them! No shots today to Alexander's excitement (he hates seeing them get their shots). However, I talked to Dr. Vick about Alexander's incessant drinking and tee-teeing all day and all night. So, for my peace of mind, she gave him a blood test to check for diabetes. All checked out well and we went on our way. I really can't speak well enough of our pediatrician, Dr. Dawn Vick. She is always attentive and encouraging to us as parents, and kind and caring to our children as well!

Well, in 3 minutes, the season premier of LOST is coming on and I gotta go plant in front of the TV!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today the Kids and I are back at home after being away for four days with my Parents and In-Laws. Chris has been at Sundance in Utah (swearing allegiance to Obama, no doubt-tee hee!) and our family helped me out tremendously. We started off Friday with a tragic busted eye incident at the mall! Alexander ran into a table at Dillard's and I swear I saw the corner of the table go into his eye socket! He hit it so hard it knocked him to the floor and he started sqwalling!! When he finally let me look at it, it was already swelling and the scratched part was bleeding. Thank God we were meeting Samantha and the kids at the food court! I told him Samantha was a nurse and we'd get her to look at it right away! He started to cry and asked if she was going to give him a shot! HA HA!! So that was pretty much the most exciting part of the weekend. The rest was just even keel. We spent Saturday night with my Mom and Dad and Braden came to play for a few hours. Sunday morning we went to church and came home to give the kids a nap and visit with Uncle Chuck and Van! They got a new Smart Car! This one's red!
Also got a chance to go through all of the clothes that the girls have grown out of in the last 10 months. Separated those pairs and sent them to Ann for Mary Elizabeth to wear! Whew...Now we have the girls' closet back!
Spent Sunday night with The Stellys. Was a busy night with everyone there, complete with seafood Jambalaya, homemade mac 'n cheese!! We spent the night there and woke up to go to the Acadiana Zoo with Samantha, Brittany and all the kiddies! Yes, do the math...we were SO outnumbered!!
Chris comes home this afternoon and we are so excited!!! There's no place like being home with Daddy! Since being home yesterday afternoon, we're back in our home routine - so when Izzy woke up this morning, she looked all around the living room calling, "Dadadadada!!" They have such a good time in the mornings at breakfast...make the funniest faces, funniest noises, funniest everything!!
Alexander's Black Eye!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Out of the woods

For the past 7 days we've been self-quarantined here at the house because of the Rhodo Virus that the kids came down with last Friday night. Alexander started it off of Friday night and a half hour later, Izzy followed. Then on Saturday morning, Chris and Sophie were in the mix, too. Thank God, I never got sick!! On Monday, Alexander started perking up and Chris was feeling better and went back to work. The Sisters were still yucky until Wednesday night and as of this morning (Friday), we have been symptom free! Thank God this virus was only 7 days and not several weeks like some of the stories I've heard! I think someone wouldv'e had to commit me!! I did have a saving grace of a quick visit early into this debacle of my parents bringing more Pedia-Lite and Gator-Ade. And on Tuesday night, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Jimmy came to sit with the kids so that Chris could get me out of the house for the 1st time since Friday! Whoohooo!!
Now we're going to get out for a little outing this afternoon! Who knew how exciting a trip to Wal-Mart for groceries would be!! Ha ha!!